Hey Guys!
Hope your all okay?
So today I am enlightening you all on an amazing fashion boutique called LM Fashion .
This is run by one of my pageant friends and she has some gorgeous pieces so I wanted to share them with you with a little interview so you can all have a nosy !
My name is Lisa-Marie Ward. I am 21 years old and I live in North Yorkshire with my wonderful family and boyfriend.
-what made you decide to open LM Fashion Boutique?
I have always been interested in fashion since I was a little girl, experimenting with different dress styles. I always wanted the latest trends, but couldn't always afford them, so I would get old t.shirts and sew patches on them or beads to funk them up. I think throughout school I went through every dress sense from goth, hipster to being a girly girl with everything being pink!! I think the main reason I opened my boutique is because I LOVE fashion, clothes and shoes (which girl doesn't?) and I get to give girls amazing clothing at affordable prices!
-what kind of outfits do you stock?
I stock a range of different outfits, mainly dresses, but I do tops, skirts, trousers and shoes. I try to stock different styles which will suit everyone, from body con, shift, skater and midi dresses. My favourite design at the moment has to be the black daisy skater dress, which is perfect for summer. Each time a new order comes for the boutique I get so excited its like Christmas I fight to open the boxes to see the clothes and start trying on myself !! Hehe.
-what are your plans for this year?
Well I have a few dates booked to do fashion shows which I am looking forward to. I am attending pageants with my stock. I would love to get more involved with charity events this year. I eventually would love to open my own shop- that is my big dream!
-what has been the highlight of starting your business so far?
I must say it has been asking my closest girlfriends to model my clothes for me. We have had a couple of girly days, trying on clothes, prancing around, taking pictures and having a giggle. They'll soon get annoyed with me asking them to model and help me out (ha). My partner Nat has been amazing too! He has really thrown himself into it with giving me opinions and saying what clothes he likes/dislikes helping me at fashion show and events! Without my friends and family I don't know what I'd do!
-who is your inspiration?
My mum Elaine! The beginning of last year my mum got diagnosed with M.S (multiple scierosis). It is a condition of the central nervous system, which damages the nerve fibres. She is one of the most energetic people I know, and seeing her have bad days is really hard. But no matter what like throws at her she doesn't give up and keeps fighting! She owns her own shop in our village and having M.S won't stop her from getting what she wants in life!! ...and I believe that is a true inspiration! My mum and I have just started raising money for the M.S society which is a charity which researches how M.S is caused as nobody knows? We want to raise as much money as we can for this amazing charity so one day we can prevent people from getting M.S
I have a jam packed year ahead of me which I am delighted about and cannot wait to get stuck into it all! If anyone would like to work with me with fashion shows, photo shoots, having a stall at a pageant...I would love to hear from you!!!!!
LM Fashion 07772812910
Email- lmfashionyorkshire@live.com