Hi Guys,
Hope your all well?
Today is a slightly different post really.
As most of you know I am currently Miss Birmingham Inspiration 2013 & A Finalist in Miss Inspiration 2014.
I like to get involved with fundraising and like to try and help as much as I can,
In my previous Miss Birmingham Pageant with the help of you all I managed to raise £330 for Variety The Childrens Charity (THANKYOU!)
So I was hoping I could ask you all for some help again..
I'm currently fundraising for The Lullaby Trust.

The Lullaby Trust offer support for families who have been affected by cot death and promote advice for safer sleep for babies.
The Lullaby Trust work with NHS by running a health visitor led service for bereaved parents and the CONI programme (Care of next infant) supporting parents before and after ther birth of their new baby.
What I love about this charity is that not only do they support those who have been affected by these tragic experiences but they also support research to find out why babies die suddenly and unexpecdantly which also means they can try and find how to prevent it from happening.
I remember watching a peice about this amazing trust on itv's this morning last year or so where a family told there story and it really touched my heart so I'm so happy to be supporting this charity alongside the other finallists in the Miss Inspiration 2014 Competition.
So if you wish to help me and donate to this well deserving course please have a look at my JustGiving page where you can donate - and every donation no matter how big or small is extremelly apreciated!
Having a Baby Sister,and a lot of young children in the family I can't imagine the pain cot deaths cause families so I really want to raise as much as we can working together!
Just for a idea here is how your money could help :) -
£1 could buy a room thermometer, to help maintain a safe temperature for babies.
£5 could pay for a bubbalicious information pack, raising awareness of our safe sleep messages among teenage parents.
£14 could provide one hour of helpline support from trained advisors.
£110 could train A&E staff in how best to support families when a baby dies.
£438 could alleviate the anxieties of a bereaved family by providing a breathing monitor for their new baby.
£550 could train bereaved parents who wish to support other families in the future.
Thanks Again for everyone who helped before,
and I hope you can all help again for such a great cause!
Stay Safe & Speak Soon!
Thanks Again for everyone who helped before,
and I hope you can all help again for such a great cause!
Stay Safe & Speak Soon!
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