Hey Guy's.
Hope your all okay?
You could say that me summarizing 2013 now is a little late,but now January has just wizzed by I have had time to finally sit down and collect my thoughts about 2013.
While reading through other peoples re-caps I was reading through Georgina's Blog over on She Might Be Loved which is anything new for me.Where I started reading her recap of 2013.
She then revealed that she was running a competition where you could win a iPad Mini from Llyods Bank - what a fab prize right?
So I decided that I would give it a shot,after all I am one of those people who love reading lifestyle base blog posts,so has been really fun reading everybody's entries for it!
This was so hard to choose my moments that mattered as 2013 had been a very emotional one,for the good and bad.
But enough rambling - Here was my 2013,And My Moments That Mattered.
Turning 21.
November 16th 2013,I turned 21.
Something that me and my family three years ago thought was something that would never happen.
Having had chronic liver failure due to my Auto-Immune condition (which showed its symptoms by the time it was just to late) meant I would go on to have three liver transplants.
My last been in 2012,sadly I have always suffered with organ rejection very quickly so to recover so well in 2013 was amazing.
I became strong again,and got a chance to live life again - and love it.
Doesn't get better then that does it!
Moved out of home - In with My Boyfriend.
In August 2013 Me and Gareth moved in together.
We were long distance as he is in the Air Force,and although he would often come back of a weekend,we didn't get to spend much time together.
So when I was looking at flats in Birmingham to live alone it only made sense that I moved to Henlow where he is based.
So soon after we moved into our first little place,and I love it!
So nice for us both be able to spend quality time together instead of rushed weekends,where the most of it he would be seeing other people which made it difficult to spend quality time together sometimes.
We are currently looking at bigger places with more storage,so I'm sure 2014 will have its memorable moments too :)
Titled Miss Birmingham Inspiration 2013.
I entered my first pageant last year (Miss Birmingham) and I loved it,It boosted my confidence and made me have self believe that my scars and stretch marks were all beautiful and part of me that didn't have to define who I was as a person.
So it was a privilege to then enter Miss Inspiration and have the regional title of Miss Birmingham.
This just furthered my confidence and showed me people believe I can do whatever I put my mind too,and this has helped my social anxiety by leaps and bounds so this was another one of those moments in 2013 which I always think back to when I am having a bit of a down day.
I Gained Weight!
Now this may seem like a really bizarre and simple things for most.
But this was probably one thing that in 2013 I was so so happy about.
On the back end of 2012 I was still recovering from my transplant and was still very under weight (As you can see I had been given a ng tube - which was basically feeding me extra over night to try and bulk me up). The NG tube had helped me gain quite a bit but I was still classed as underweight,but in 2013 I finnally reached a healthy 9 and A Half stone.
Now,I say healthy because,the fact my body was finally gaining weight meant that my body was finally happy and recovering on the inside this just made me feel so much more at ease that I was recovering well.
As well as that I was finally happy again with my body image,as I was becoming a weight that I used to be. Like I say some people may have found this moment bizarre - especially with the stigma of talking about our weight.
But it was a really really special moment for me - it showed me I was healthy and just how amazing the human body is and how incredible it works!

I tried more things.
Please excuse the fact,Im sat on the floor in two off these it was at a paramore gig and a day of travelling london haha. Thought was pretty funny as my phone is full of these kinda pics.
This may seem trivial to some,but anyone who suffers with social anxiety will know how hard day to day situations can sometimes be so in 2013 (which so happened to be the year it seemed to get worse) I tried to push myself and not let it affect me.
So I tried more things,like going to 2 more gig's this year
- Paramore & One Direction...Slightly different I admit but my music taste is some what differed ha ha.
Went out on my first ever nights out - which I will admit,has took me until October to fully enjoy,which may have been something to do with been able to dress up like 'Little Dead Riding Hood'.
And even getting public transport around the UK,and going to London,which scared me so much before because of all the people now I love it,and can't wait to go again now I live so close.
Acorns 12km Lantern Walk
So 12km (nearly 7 and a half miles) may not sound like a lot for some people.
But this honestly broke me! It was tipping down with rain so there was so many times I just wanted to give up but Gareth just kept reminding me why I wanted to do it.
Acorns is a Childrens hospice,so this walk was to raise money for the hospice.
Having been effected by chronic illness myself I always want to try and help everyone as much as I can - part of the reason I of course started my blog in the first place.
So every time my legs started to burn I just remembered it was those little kids less fortunate then me and that if I just man'ed up I could do it,not just for them but for me.
This walk made me realize I am so much stronger then I can sometimes give myself credit for,and that if there is something I set my mind too
I can and Will do it.
So I think that over the whole of 2013 this was probably the most memorable moment because I was walking next to the most amazing man ever,and at the end when I crossed that finish line I was full with so much emotion.
Now I know that whatever life may through at me,
wether that may be rejection of my organ again,not getting that job I wanted,or just anything that could knock me down.
That I am Strong - And I can Do It.
2013 ? What an Amazing Year.
Thank You All for Reading.
And Thanks Again to the Gorgeous Georgina & Llyods for holding such a great competition which let me remember the positives of 2013.
Stay Safe & Speak Soon
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